1505 State Street
Erie, Pa 16501
Email: PACA1505@gmail.com
Website: www.paca1505.org



The Rocky Horror Show

Progressive Theatre and Community Performance Space
PACA (Performing Artists Collective Alliance) began in 2010 as an independent, progressively-minded Erie theatre and performing arts center. Housed in a downtown historic landmark building built in 1899, PACA seeks to help revitalize the downtown area and promote a sustainable artistic and cultural community.
Since its inception, hundreds of individual performances have been held at the venue. It is already becoming the most innovative and progressive theater and community performance space in the tri-state area, serving the broadest possible audiences and performers.
PACA has hosted international classical musicians to Grammy award-winning jazz performers, local butoh dance performances, to local urban wordsmiths. PACA has produced award-winning plays with talented local actors as well as being the first in the region to host Equity Actors on our stage. PACA has also produced original and locally written world premiere performances.
Visit www.paca1505.org to view our our entire season of shows!
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